Thursday, 26 July 2007

Pizza a Domicilio buys Mister Pizza

One way to increase the Page Rank of a web site is to buy an old website which has a good page rank and it's on sell.
Then by using an HTTP 301 redirect, all the traffic will be forwared to the website you want to rank better. Then, shortly after Google has recognized the change, it will pass the PR of the old website to the new one.

This is why today I bought It has a PR of 2 and I payed about 400€. Not really what I call a bargain, but I hope it will be worth it.

At the time of writing the redirecting has just started to work. Let's see how long it will take before we see any change in the page rank.

Monday, 23 July 2007

Pizza a Domicilio, removed again from Google index?

I have no words, it seems that Google is making fun of me.
After two days of traffic (when I wrote "back into Google index"), now there isn't anymore.

But what really makes me upset is the fact that even Google seems not to be aware of this.
Using "Webmaster Tools", section "Query stats" this is the supposed keyword average positioning of the last seven days:

But this is not true. Actually the first occurrence of "Pizza a Domicilio", displaying 100 results per page, is on the last one, the eight. This means that the true positioning is after the 700th.

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Taking a train from Padova to Cornuda

The path is the same as the Cornuda-Padova, but this time top speed has been 113 km/h, 11 km/h less than a month ago.
Why? Because Trenitalia decided that since railtracks were too hot, train had to go slower.
If you have Google Earth, here's the kml file

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Pizza a Domicilio, back into Google index?

It took almost two months, but after having been penalized by Google, now Pizza a Domicilio is back in the first result page, as you can see from Google Analytics, visits are growing.

  • pizza a domicilio: 8th position
  • pizza domicilio: 8th position

while on
  • pizza a domicilio: 2nd position
  • pizza domicilio: 13th position

Monday, 2 July 2007

174 nuovi comuni ad alta risoluzione su Gmap

Ecco la lista degli ultimi comuni di cui è stata resta disponibile la mappa ad alta risoluzione su Google Map. A quando Padova?

Provincia di AG:
Burgio, Calamonaci, Caltabellotta, Ribera, Villafranca Sicula.

Provincia di AL:
Arquata Scrivia, Bistagno, Bosio, Carrosio, Cartosio, Casaleggio Boiro, Castelletto D'Erro, Castelletto D'Orba, Denice, Fraconalto, Gavi, Lerma, Montaldeo, Montechiaro D'Acqui, Mornese, Parodi Ligure, Ponti, San Cristoforo, Voltaggio.

Provincia di AR:

Provincia di AT:
Bubbio, Canelli, Cassinasco, Castel Boglione, Monastero Bormida, Montabone, Rocchetta Palafea, Sessame.

Provincia di BN:
Apollosa, Benevento, Campoli del Monte Taburno, Castelpagano, Castelpoto, Cautano, Circello, Foglianise, San Leucio del Sannio, Santa Croce del Sannio, Tocco Caudio, Torrecuso, Vitulano.

Provincia di CB:
Campodipietra, Campolieto, Castelbottaccio, Castellino del Biferno, Cercemaggiore, Gildone, Jelsi, Lupara, Matrice, Monacilioni, Morrone del Sannio, Petrella Tifernina, Provvidenti, Ripabottoni, San Giovanni in Galdo, Toro.

Provincia di CE:
Gallo Matese, Letino.

Provincia di CL:
Acquaviva Platani, Bompensiere, Campofranco, Milena, Mussomeli, Sutera.

Provincia di CS:
Albidona, Alessandria del Carretto, Bonifati, Buonvicino, Castroregio, Fagnano Castello, Malvito, Plataci, San Donato di Ninea, San Lorenzo Bellizzi, San Sosti, Sangineto, Sant'Agata di Esaro, Santa Caterina Albanese.

Provincia di CZ:
Torre di Ruggiero.

Provincia di EN:

Provincia di GE:
Campo Ligure, Masone.

Provincia di IS:
Castelpizzuto, Isernia, Longano, Macchia D'Isernia, Miranda, Pesche, Pettoranello del Molise, Sant'Agapito.

Provincia di ME:

Provincia di MO
Fanano, Fiumalbo, Montecreto, Pievepelago, Riolunato, Sestola.

Provincia di MS:

Provincia di OT
Aggius, Bortigiadas, Monti, Sant'Antonio di Gallura, Telti, Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola.

Provincia di PR:
Monchio delle Corti, Palanzano.

Provincia di PT

Provincia di PU:
Belforte all'Isauro, Carpegna, Frontino, Pennabilli, Pietrarubbia.

Provincia di PZ:
Cancellara, San Paolo Albanese.

Provincia di RC:
Gioiosa Ionica, Grotteria, Mammola, Marina di Gioiosa Ionica, Martone, San Giovanni di Gerace, Siderno.

Provincia di SA:
Aquara, Bellosguardo, Campora, Castel San Lorenzo, Felitto, Laurino, Magliano Vetere, Roscigno, Stio.

Provincia di SI:
Asciano, Rapolano Terme.

Provincia di SS:
Bessude, Bonnanaro, Bonorva, Borutta, Cheremule, Erula, Giave, Ittireddu, Mores, Nughedu San Nicolò, Ozieri, Torralba, Tula.

Provincia di TN:
Aldeno, Besenello, Calavino, Calliano, Cimone, Garniga, Lasino, Padergnone, Trento, Vezzano.

F.MI +1.59%

F.MI closed at 22.43€ (+1.59%) after that the company published June results. Fiat market share is now over 30%.

Total strategy gain is now +688€ (3.95%) + 124€ div (812€ overall)

Sunday, 1 July 2007

To Lignano and back

This weekend I went with my friends to a camping in Lignano. During the travel I used my GPS logger to keep track of all the gas stations. I only had to add two of them: